ADA Access Consultants

CALIFORNIA CASp Inspections and Reporting

Chances of Winning an ADA Lawsuit

Is Winning an ADA Lawsuit Possible

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) is federal law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities surrounding life, jobs, schools, transportation, and public/private places that are open to the public. You are likely facing an ADA lawsuit becuase your property is in violation of federal law (Americans with Disabilities Act, California Building Codes, etc.). The outcome of an ADA lawsuit depends on various factors, including the nature of the violation, your legal representation, and the evidence collected. 

In the context of winning an ADA lawsuit, most are cut and dry, typically resulting in legal settlement. This is not to say it is impossible to win one, but ADA access is a rampant problem in California and specific legislation makes it likely for businesses to be held accountable. 

Chances of winning ADA lawsuit

Understanding Your ADA Lawsuit Situation

Federal law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life. One important aspect of ADA enforcement involves ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities. This includes accommodations like wheelchair ramps, accessible parking spaces, braille, proper  signage, & more depending on the nature of the business or service.

As a business owner, the CBC (California Building Code) is constantly changing and adapting. This makes it extremely difficult to keep up with necessary repairs and reglations that ensure access. When ADA violations are presnet (Present in almost all properties), individuals or advocacy groups may file lawsuits to compel compliance and seek remedies in the form of settlement for discrimination or lack of accessibility.

Settlement Considerations: Do I Need to Settle an ADA Lawsuit?

Facing an ADA lawsuit can be a stressful experience for businesses and property owners. One of the most important questions that arise in these situations are whether settling the lawsuit is necessary or advisable. When is comes to winning an ADA lawsuit, settling is not always the outcome, but it can be a practical and strategic decision depending on the circumstances of the case. Evaluating the strength of the case, weighing costs and risks, and considering the potential benefits of settlement are key factors in making an informed decision on wheather you want to fight or settle. This is NOT legal advice, but with the newly developed legislation surrounding ADA/CASp we have found more likely than not, ADA lawsuits do end in settlement. 

