ADA Access Consultants

CALIFORNIA CASp Inspections and Reporting

5 Benefits of Hiring a CASp

CASp inspection Benefit #1: LEGAL PROTECTION

CASp Inspection & Legal Proection

The primary benefit of a CASp inspection is helping your facility work towards compliance with ADA regulations and other accessibility standards. This  helps you avoid legal issues and potential lawsuits related to accessibility violations. ADA compliance is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions, and a CASp inspection certificate can provide documentation of compliance.

CASp Inspection Certificate

A CASp (Certified Access Specialist Program) Inspection Certificate serves as a legal safety net for businesses and property owners. The presence of a CASp Inspection Certificate acts as a deterrent to opportunistic individuals & lawsuits related to accessibility. Unfortunately, some individuals exploit ADA regulations for financial gain by filing “Drive-By” or mass lawsuits against businesses. 

Drive-By Lawsuits

Drive-by lawsuits, also known as serial lawsuits, refer to legal actions filed against multiple businesses for violations on accessibility laws, especially those related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These lawsuits involve minimal prior communication or effort to resolve issues, with the primary goal being financial gain through settlements.

Drive-by lawsuits have gained attention because of this, and some attorneys are accused of exploiting accessibility laws for monetary gain. ADA Access Consultants can help.

CASp Inspection Certificate
CASp Inspection Certificate


CASp inspection Benefit #2: Save Money

ADA Asphalt work

Proactive ADA Accessibility

In the early stages of a construction project, ADA accessibility should be at top of mind to prevent unnecessary extra costs on a project. Consulting with ADA Access Consultants for services like Plan Review and CASp Inspection & Reporting ensure you do it right the first time and don’t spend money on modifications. 

ADA Access Improves Property Value

While ADA/CASp inspections involve upfront costs, the long-term benefits outweigh these initial costs. The investment in accessibility improvements not only helps legal compliance but also enhances the overall value of the property. This positive ROI is reflected in the reduced probability of legal challenges and improved customer satisfaction.

CASp inspection Benefit #3: Legal Status

Qualified defendant Legal Status

A benefit of a CASp inspector is the distinctive “qualified defendant” status to the facility they inspect. This status becomes a valuable legal shield for businesses or property owners. In the event of an accessibility claim, the effort demonstrated by hiring a CASp and addressing accessibility concerns proactively can reduce the liability of the business or property owner.

The CASp’s thorough inspection and certification provide documentation of compliance, offering defense in legal proceedings and potentially leading to quicker and favorable resolutions.

CASp inspection benefit


CASp inspection Benefit #4: Enhanced reputation

5 star ada service

Promoting Accessibility

Accessibility is increasingly important to consumers and the public. By obtaining ADA/CASp inspections and ensuring your facility is accessible, you send a positive message to your customers, clients, and the community. This can enhance your reputation as a business that values diversity and inclusivity. 

Reputation & Repeat Business

As a busines owner it is important that everyon has access to your facility. This means you can accomodate all customers. It’s great for business because you can be invlusive and help all types of clientel. Having an accessible facility not only fosters a sense of community but also leads to repeat business. This is possible because you provide a safe and accessible environment that leads to people wanting to return with their money. 

CASp inspection Benefit #5: delay of court

Delay of Court Proceesings

Being recognized as a qualified defendant in a construction-related accessibility lawsuit comes with a notable benefit—a 60-day stay on court proceedings. This temporal reprieve offers businesses and property owners an opportunity to strategize. During this period, negotiation and settlement discussions with the plaintiff take place, potentially reaching agreements that avoid the costs and settlements associated with litigation.

Moreover, the 60-day delay provides a window for proactive measures, allowing defendants to address the accessibility violations raised. This time frame is explained on the ADA Law page and enables the implementation of improvements to the property, ensuring that adjustments are made to align with accessibility standards. The delay on court proceedings, with the chance to settle or make necessary improvements, empowers qualified defendants to approach legal challenges more carefully. 

casp plan review

