ADA Access Consultants

CALIFORNIA CASp Inspections and Reporting

ADA Compliance Responsibility

Who is Responsible for ada compliance

In the context of ADA compliance responsibility, there is the question of who the repair expenses should be covered by. Oftentimes, when an accessibility lawsuit is filed, both the tenant & property owner is mentioned in the filing. However, it is not common that an agreement is in place that divides the expenses or allocated them to one person. This is why it is important to discuss with your property owner or tenant before making any changes.

ADA compliance responsibility

Book an ada inspection

Is the tenant or landlord responsible for ADA compliance?

The answer to ADA compliance responsibility is not black and white. In some instances, where there are common areas in a property, the owner is responsible for access in common or shared areas of the property. On the other hand, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), businesses have a responsibility to have an accessible and compliant business. With this mix of responsibility it is important to refer to your lease agreement that is in place to determine exactly how to divide or cover ADA related expenses. 

ADA Compliance Responsibility May be Arranged already

In the realm of leasing agreements,  allocating responsibility for ADA violations between landlords and tenants is important. It may be outlined already who expenses fall on in relationship to construction expenses. The court asserts that a landlord cannot remove itself of liability for ADA violations within the areas of the premises under a tenant’s lease through contractual agreements. This means a landlord is not allowed to declare that they hold no liability, but may outline that they are not financially responsible. 

This shows the need for clear guidelines of responsibilities within leasing arrangements. Consideration and articulation of these responsibilities within leasing agreements are essential to navigating and ADA regulations in a legally effective manner.

ADA Compliance Responsibility Matters

ADA compliance responsibility is crucial for both landlords and tenants to ensure that the property is accessible to individuals with disabilities. The ADA is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and requires certain accommodations to be made to ensure equal access. ADA requirements and obligations for landlords and tenants may differ based on the property type and specific circumstances. It is advised to seek guidance from a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) for a thorough property evaluation. This ensures that all involved parties, including landlords, tenants, and their respective legal representatives, have a comprehensive understanding of compliance requirements before finalizing a lease agreement.
